Congratulations to Samy on his work establishing a fly model for the behavioral therapy used clinically to treat insomnia! We are hoping this opens a whole new way to study insomnia and its treatment at a granular level.
sleep, brain development, & behavior
Congratulations to Samy on his work establishing a fly model for the behavioral therapy used clinically to treat insomnia! We are hoping this opens a whole new way to study insomnia and its treatment at a granular level.
More good news for Natalie - she received a 2018 Hearst Foundation Fellowship, which recognizes outstanding academic and research performance as a member of the Neuroscience Graduate Group. Way to go!
We are excited to welcome Julci and Ari to the lab full time for the summer! Congratulations to both for receiving summer grants from the Penn Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships!!
Congratulations to Leela, Abby, and Charlette for their work describing maturation of sleep-related behaviors in flies! Among many cool things, it turns out flies twitch during sleep, and do so more when young.
Congrats to Natalie on "the bestest prelim ever!" (Tom Jongen's exact words). Truly amazing job. We celebrated afterwards but the pictures were terrible so...
Matt received a Pilot Award from The Institute of Aging and Penn Alzheimer's Disease Core Center. It's all a tribute to Samy's work, so thanks young lad.
Congratulations to Milan, his work on a sleep state in Drosophila larvae is the first publication from the lab! Turns out "sleep state" can be confused with "deep state" on twitter. But hey all press is good right?
We are ecstatic that Natalie Gong is joining the lab for her PhD thesis! Natalie will be studying the intersection between sleep and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Nothing like Ben tickling the keys and Twister to make for a fun lab holiday celebration!
Somebody pinch me. Our brilliant friend and colleague Christine Dubowy has received a Penn-PORT Postdoctoral Fellowship, and will be staying in Philadelphia to join us in the Kayser Lab!! Christine will be pursuing work on $#*&%^@)$!@#$# because it is likely to totally transform human health by virtue of $*@&&))_%(@(@#. Pretty cool!
I am super duper beside myself to report that BOTH Leela Dilley and Samy Belfer have received NIH predoctoral NRSAs!! Wow. Congrats to both Samy and Leela for this incredible accomplishment!!
A great meeting as always, so much to learn. And congrats to Milan on giving an awesome talk about his work on larval sleep!
Luisa has arrived! The first non-Kayser Kayser Lab baby has been born. Congratulations Emilia (and Billy, too)!!!
That's right humans, we are coming for YOU! Matt received an award from the Doris Duke Foundation to identify biomarkers of insomnia treatment response in real live people.
Congrats to Samy who was selected to receive a Young Investigator Scholarship from the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation. Great job Samuel!
Congrats to Samy, who gave a great talk (I hear) at the Modulation of Neural Circuits and Behavior Gordon Conference!
After 2 great years at TRL, the Kayser lab is moving across Penn campus to the heart of the medical school. We are pumped about the new space and our new neighbor (collaborator David Raizen and crew). Many thanks to the incredibly hard work of the lab - almost completely unpacked the same day and experiments running 1 day later! I think the 11am shake shack and beer made all the difference.
It's a big moment, folks. Leela and Robert got married, and we were there to celebrate the incredible night!
We played a very small part on a very great story just published in eLIFE. Congrats to the Koh lab!